International Students are at an increased risk of experiencing mental health issues over the course of their study. According to a report released by Oxygen, international students face unique challenges when aiming to gain access to mental health support whilst in Australia, including racial discrimination, loneliness and lack of financial and educational support.
36% of international students surveyed expressed feelings of social isolation which negatively impacted their mental health.
International students also reported having unrealistic expectations once they arrived in Australia, enhancing the risk of mental illness. One of the common misconceptions noted in this study by Oxygen was that finding employment in Australia would be easier than it has proven to be.
The report from Oxygen provided suggestions that tertiary education institutions should adopt in order to maintain the physical and mental welfare of all international students. Some suggestions noted included building awareness of available support services at the institution, developing culturally appropriate initiatives and promoting social cohesion.
At Australian College ofStudies [ACOS], we are dedicated to providing our international students with access to all available support systems needed.
In line with the recommendations from the Oxygen report, we have a dedicated student assistance program that is made aware to students from orientation onwards.
To find out more about our student support services you can find it under the student services tab or follow the link here.