
What you need to know about finding part-time or casual work as an international student in Australia

Many international students seek part-time or casual work while they study in Australia.

The extra spending money to support your living experience can help you discover this wonderful country and meet other students in your local community. It’s also a great way to build your confidence and make new friends.

While there are benefits to having employment while you study, there are two things you must do:

  1. Make sure you have enough time to balance your studies, job and your wellbeing.
  2. Check your visa status to ensure you are eligible to work whilst studying.

Checking your visa status

Australian student visa holders are eligible to work a maximum of 40 hours per fortnight during their study.

To check your visa rules, visit the Department of Home Affairs website.

Where to look to find a job

In Australia, the best way to look for part-time or casual work are through:

International students have access to the same workplace protections as all Australian employees and are entitled to safe and fair workplaces.

Australian College of Studies