
As such, personal and health information is handled in accordance with clauses 3.6 and 8.5 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015, Standard 3 of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 as well as Data Provision Requirements 2012 including the National VET Provider Collection Data Requirements Policy. ACOS adheres to the Privacy Act 1988, Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (VIC) and the Health Records Act 2001 (VIC), and Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (VIC).



ACOS' Privacy Management charter also follows legislation requirements set by Australian Skills Quality Authority [ASQA] — the national VET regulator and the RTO’s registering body.

For this reason, ACOS has implemented policies and systems to protect the personal information of every student from any unauthorised access or loss. Additionally, all staff are bound by the required legislation obligations under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 [NSW].

ACOS' Privacy Management charter outlines, as follows:

  • the purposes for which your personal information is collected;
  • the way your personal information will be used by ACOS' administration in the application and enrolment process, and by the relevant trainers for academic assessment and progression and other student support services;
  • the way your student records will be held in paper and electronic files along with the information provided by your or your agent at the time of admission.
  • the type of organisations to whom the information may be disclosed;
  • any law requiring the collection of your personal information.



Your information may be disclosed without ACOS seeking consent when, as follows:

  • we share your student profile with other educational institutions where you may be currently enrolled or have been enrolled;
  • there are required audits that may be conducted by ACOS or governing bodies.
  • it is disclosed to commonwealth and state courts or tribunals, government agencies including the Department of Home Affairs and the Education Department, or in extenuating circumstances, reasons for personal and other students’ health and safety.


Student Record

You can access your student records by lodging a written request with the Student Support Centre. The procedures will include, as follows:

  • your student identification;
  • a marginal administrative fee for requested record copies;
  • denied access in circumstances where the information will place anyone or self at the possibility of risk or harm.


Updating of Personal and Enrolment Information

  • You must remain responsible in updating any personal or relevant information with a physical change of address, email and phone number.
  • You must notify ACOS of the nearest relative or friend to contact in an emergency
  • You must notify ACOS if there has been a change of name with supporting documentation. This includes a driver’s licence or the issuing of a new passport number.


Your Obligations

  • If it has been established that the information you have provided ACOS' administration has been misleading, incomplete or false, such actions or breaches may lead to serious consequences which could impact the grounds for your enrolment, graduation or any provision of student services.
  • As an international student, your student visa may also be revoked.